
Coaching with Renée.

Experience transformational life and business shifts with Renée Gardiner, an award-winning coach and kick-ass business strategist. She has been a weekly columnist at The West Australian specialising in holistic mental health and wellbeing and is the recipient of a 40 Under 40 Business News Award.

Renée’s approach is truly holistic. She guides you to access your inner wisdom, and combine heartfelt intuition with concrete action, to support you in the evolution of your spiritual, health, life and business journey.

Renée’s coaching practice is underpinned by vast health, life and business experiences. Through her own journey, Renée has gained a deep insight into the realms of healing, and the multidimensional nature of health and wellbeing.

With over 15 years’ consulting experience, and as a director, business owner and charity founder, Renée’s work is grounded in a breadth of specialist knowledge, practical advice and proven strategies, to help you crystallise your vision and amplify your business and life.

Read more about Renée.



Coaching Packages

Our coaching programs incorporate strategy and planning, wellbeing practices, guided meditations, and mindset and behaviour change coaching for personal, professional and business transformation.


Holistic Coaching Session

1 session

One-off Holistic Coaching Sessions are for individuals who are interested in holistic mental health and wellbeing support and empowered business owners. Sessions will help you gain deeper insights and work through sticky personal and professional challenges.

The session includes:

  • 1 x coaching session (60-90 minutes)

  • A safe space to debrief and explore your focus and challenges

  • Clear and concise wellbeing or business guidance

  • Deeper connection to your inner wisdom and intuition

  • Guided wellbeing practices and meditation

  • Action steps for you to implement after the session

  • All sessions take place online via Zoom and may be recorded for your reference


  • Life Coaching: $180

  • Business Coaching: $250

One-off upfront payment. Prices include GST.

Clarity Coaching Program

3 sessions over 6 weeks

Our Clarity Coaching Program is for individuals who are interested in holistic life and wellbeing support, or for business owners wanting to clarify and crystalise their vision.

The program includes:

  • 3 x coaching sessions (60 minutes) over 6 weeks, meeting every 2 weeks

  • Pre-series questionnaire and vision workbook

  • Limited voice messaging support between sessions

  • A safe space to explore your personal health and wellbeing challenges, or clarify and dream big with your purpose and business vision 

  • A clear and concise wellbeing plan or business vision plan to implement after our together

  • All sessions take place online via Zoom and may be recorded for your reference


  • Life Coaching: $650

  • Business Coaching: $950

Fortnightly payment plans are available. Prices include GST.

Amplify Coaching Program

6-12 sessions over 3-6 months

Our tailored Amplify Coaching Program is for individual leaders and business owners and is an in-depth transformative experience. The program offers holistic life and/or business coaching to propel you forward and create enduring transformation in your business.

The program includes:

  • 12 x coaching sessions (60 minutes) over 6 months, meeting every 2 weeks

  • Pre-series questionnaire and vision workbook

  • 1 bonus vision planning session at commencement of program

  • Unlimited voice messaging support between sessions

  • A safe space to explore your health and wellbeing challenges, or clarify and dream big with your purpose and business

  • Transformational shifts, life changing a-ha moments and breakthroughs in your health, life and business

  • Deeper connection with your inner wisdom and intuition

  • Guided wellbeing practices and meditations

  • A rock-solid blueprint to implement as we move through the program, which includes a clear and concise personal wellbeing and lifestyle plan and/or detailed business plan

  • All sessions take place online via Zoom and may be recorded for your reference


  • Life & Business Coaching: $1,000 per month

Fortnightly and monthly payment plans are available. Prices include GST.


Who our Coaching Programs are for:


Holistic Wellbeing & Life Coaching

We work with clients at different stages of their spiritual, health, life & career journey. We help you to navigate bumpy patches, gain clarity on the path ahead, work through challenging health, work or relationship issues, and move you in a new direction with greater peace of mind.

  • Do you need support with your health, healing or wellbeing?

  • Are you a carer, parent or support person who is feeling stressed, unhappy, or burnt out?

  • Are you experiencing personal or work challenges and don’t know who you can talk to?

  • Do you have blocks or problems with your work, life or relationships that you just can’t seem to bust through?

  • Are you going through a time of inner transformation and looking to connect more deeply with your spiritual roots?

Our holistic life coaching programs provide support to help you navigate life’s transitions and challenges, so you can experience greater peace and wellbeing for yourself, in your life and career, and in your relationships with others, as a parent and partner.

Transformational Business Coaching

Our business coaching programs are for change-making leaders, small business owners and socially conscious entrepreneurs. We work together to crystallise your vision and mission, and zero in on areas you want to clarify, transform and expand in your business. We help you shift through fear and uncertainty, and make those big, scary decisions that you’ve been resisting but know you need to make in order to move forward. Our programs help you create the changes you desire for yourself, your staff and team, and for your clients, so you can earn a healthy income doing what you love.

  • Do you have an idea or vision for change and want to establish a new business but don’t know where to start or how to make it viable?

  • Do you have a talent, calling or mission to share with the world but are feeling scared or stuck, and need support to move you to the next stage?

  • Are you a stressed and burnt out business owner who feels like you’re constantly spinning your wheels, juggling work and life, and need guidance to reset and reprioritise?

  • Are you a socially conscious business owner, leader or entrepreneur who wants to amplify your message, create meaningful change and help shift the paradigm for greater health and wellness?

Our business coaching programs are for people who are committed to their own personal growth, wellbeing and success. If you're willing to take the necessary actions to move forward — even in the face of fear or uncertainty — to create the life and business of your dreams, our programs are for you.


When we’re thriving individually, aligned to our higher wisdom and living in the spirit of embodied love and unity, we can move mountains. Then, and only then, can we create epic long-lasting change in the world!

— Renée Gardiner, Founder & Director of KŌTA



“Renée is a beautiful human who leads with an open heart. During our conversations, I feel supported, heard and excited for new possibilities. Renée’s experiences enable her to provide insights and ideas that go beyond traditional advice and solutions.”

— Kat C.

“Renée is a considered, kind-hearted human with a special talent in guiding people to unlock their own answers. She empathetically gathers relevant information and then translates it in a way that is illuminating. Renée is present and grounded in her approach. I always feel supported, seen and heard in her presence.”

— Rebecca D.

“Renée’s zone of genius is listening and condensing the many ideas in your head, and turning them into a professional strategy that grounds your vision and passion into an actionable position. Renée’s previous experience with a range of different business models enables her to capture the business needs and discourse, while her personal nature allows for a deep recognition of humanity.”

— Gabrielle W.


“I am so grateful to have met Renée when I did! The universe knew I needed her at that moment. She is warm, comforting, kind and so unbelievably supportive. Thank you for your super insightful and energising sessions. I love the way I feel after our chats and long after.”

— Priscilla A.

“Renée is a passionate, talented advocate for, and pioneer of social enterprise in Western Australia. There is a nuance and highly contextual element to building social enterprises - the purpose and profit paradigm. Many consultants in this sector seem to land with too much of a focus on either one or the other. However, Renée gets it, and we are lucky to have worked with her on supporting some of our key social enterprise development projects.”

— Sven S.

“I recently completed the Clarity Busines Coaching Program and it was nothing short of transformational. Renée helped me to break down the limiting beliefs I had around my ability to express myself to my audience, as well as my limiting beliefs about valuing my time, energy and the service I provide (meaning charging my worth). In a very short time I have seen a huge change in the clients I am attracting and have been reaching my weekly booking targets consistently. Time spent with Renée was exactly the nurturing I needed to take my business to the next level and to really develop a belief in myself and my services. If you're feeling a little lost or like me, need CLARITY in your way forward, then I encourage you to contact Renée.”

— Renae A.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

— Lao Tzu



How long do the coaching programs go for?

Our Holistic Coaching Session is a one-off power session, which you can book at anytime and there is no limit on the number of sessions you can book. The Clarity Coaching Program is a 6 week coaching series, and the Amplify Coaching Program is a 6 month coaching series, depending on your needs.

In our experience the most impactful and enduring transformations take place over an extended period of time. Creating healthy habits, routines and rituals, as well as learning about yourself and rewiring neurological pathways mean that 6 months is the perfect timeframe to bring about positive, lasting changes.

How often and where will we meet?

Holistic coaching sessions are one-off appointments, scheduled around availability. For the Clarity and Amplify coaching program packages we meet every 2 weeks. All sessions take place online via Zoom and may be recorded for your records. Support through the Voxer messaging app and via email is available between sessions during the Amplify Program.

What is your coaching style like?

Our coaching style combines whole-brain thinking — incorporating intuitive wisdom, knowledge and strategy. We bring together diverse experience in health and wellbeing, human behaviour, business and impact consulting to support people to connect to their inner truth, and make powerful changes to move them forward. Each session is dedicated to supporting you, where you’re at on that day, while also working towards your overall long term vision and goals.

We provide a supportive and confidential environment and honour your needs with kindness and respect. Our coaching process also helps shine a light on any blind spots you may have, to help you see a different perspective. This can sometimes feel uncomfortable, as you gain new awareness and realisations about outdated beliefs and patterns, but it’s all perfect and part of the coaching process.

What do I need to do before and between sessions?

We commence the Clarity and Amplify coaching programs with a strategic vision session, which will require some preparation and reflection from you beforehand. Coaching is about taking action and creating changes, and we’ll map out your steps and actions during each session. It’s your job to ensure that you’re completing the tasks you agree to, to see results and get a return on your investment in the coaching program. We’re here to support you the whole way.

How do I know if coaching is right for me?

Coaching is focused on empowering you to find the answers to your own needs, with expert guidance. We focus on the present moment and what you want to change and move towards. Coaching is not therapy, though it uses tools of mindset, reframing and behaviour change. Some sessions may feel uncomfortable as you move through new layers in your awareness and let go of old beliefs. All experiences are welcome in the safe space of our coaching sessions.