Change starts from the inside

With our bespoke culture, wellbeing and leadership solutions for businesses


Business services & programs

Position your organisation as employer of choice, now and into the future

  • Mindfulness Meditation

    Our meditation programs are a perfect complement to your business’ health and wellness initiatives. We work with you to create a meditation series specific to your team’s needs, incorporating theory and guided meditation practices.

    Our science-backed techniques help employees manage stress, improve mental and emotional wellbeing, enhance focus and productivity, build greater resilience and improve workplace relations.

  • Leadership & Wellbeing Programs

    Our leadership and wellbeing programs encourage your team to own their strengths and step into their personal leadership power, to deliver high performing results for your business.

    Tailored training programs incorporate in-person and online workshops, group and individual coaching, accountability check-ins, immersive wellbeing and team building experiences, and self-reflective practices.

  • Wellbeing Strategy & Measurement

    Great businesses place wellbeing at the heart of all that they do. They live and breathe it, as part of their culture and way of life.

    We work with boards, executives and teams to measure workplace wellbeing and develop thoughtfully crafted, tailored and holistic strategies that transform the health and culture of your team and business.

Client experience

We worked with Abel Property over 10-months to develop a tailored wellbeing strategy, series of workshops and online lessons for their sales, property management and administration staff. The program covered topics on mental health, wellbeing, self-care and leadership. In-person workshops included structured learning, practical takeaways and guided meditation experiences.

“Working in real estate is not always easy, especially with the increasing stresses and uncertainty that we’ve faced coming out of COVID. We realised that it was time to take our wellness approach to a different level. We love Renée's gentle approach, her font of knowledge around the buzz word wellbeing and the simple tasks she implemented for our team.”

— Adrian Abel, CEO Abel Property


Book a consult

We love supporting value-aligned businesses to create meaningful change. Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.