Holistic Mental Health & Mindfulness

An integrated approach to mental health focused on your whole being.


Find peace within


Are you experiencing or at risk of stress, burnout, anxiety or depression?

Have you experienced past trauma, PTSD or suicide?

Do you want to heal your past, reclaim your life and feel greater peace within?

6 Modules 丨  3 Bonus Courses 丨 Online Learning

KŌTA’s Holistic Mental Health & Mindfulness Program is an online learning program specialising in an integrated approach to mental health, focused on the whole being.

We explore what it means to be human, how to create conditions for thriving, healing the mind, body and spirit, and cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness for improving your mental health and wellbeing.

The program has been designed specifically for people experiencing or at risk of stress, burnout, depression or anxiety, as well as those with more complex experiences of trauma, PTSD or suicide.

It has been developed based on lived-experience, evidence-based tools and therapies, and holistic perspectives of healing, incorporating embodied awareness, ancient wisdom and modern science.


We are born whole, though through challenging life experiences we may lose sight of our core essence — our spirit withers and becomes sick. By reconnecting with our heart, healing our mind, nourishing our body and honouring our spirit — our true nature — we can shift out of a state of surviving into thriving. I know because I have walked this path. I am here with you and can say that healing is absolutely possible.

— Renée Gardiner, Founder & Director KŌTA


Program Overview

Learn at Your Own Pace 丨 Mobile & Desktop Access


With 24/7 live access you can take the program at anytime, from anywhere. Each module contains:

  • 4-6 individual video lessons & audio downloads

  • Video transcripts & worksheets

  • Specialist resources & practical tools


Module One : Introduction to the Pillars of Mental Health

We start the program by exploring the elements of holistic mental health, and use reflective practice so you can learn more about yourself, your values, strengths, behavioural patterns and programs. We then set you up to develop your own personalised wellbeing plan.

  • The KŌTA mental health framework

  • The KŌTA Pillars of Holistic Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Getting to know yourself, values, strengths & behaviours

  • Creating your Wellbeing Plan

Module Two : Human evolution & wellbeing

We provide you with an overview of mental health and wellbeing through the lens of human evolution and development. We explore the social and environmental aspects of mental health, how the way we live impacts our health, and how our brains and bodies work.

  • A brief history of humankind

  • Neurolo-biology: understanding how the brain and body work

  • Modern lifestyle and its impact on wellbeing

  • Reclaiming your power & choosing a new way


Module Three : Understanding the mind, energy & emotions

Building on our understanding of human development, we dive into the mind, energy and emotions. We share information and theoretical insights, to help you develop practical strategies for managing these aspects of your being.

  • Consciousness, thought & emotions

  • Emotional intelligence & resilience

  • Bioenergetics: the human body, subtle energy & electromagnetic fields

  • What new science is showing us about health, wellbeing and healing

Module Four : A healing-centred approach to mental health

In this module we explore cross-cultural perspectives of health and healing, including ancient and Indigenous knowledge. We develop greater awareness of the subconscious mind, and how to employ different healing practices to transform your life.

  • Ancient wisdom & cross-cultural perspectives of health & healing

  • Healing subconscious fears & trauma

  • Grief, letting go & moving beyond the past

  • Personal boundaries & self-care

  • Psycho-spiritual wellbeing & integration


Module Five : Physical wellbeing & mental Health

In this module we look at the relationship between physical health and mental health. We provide an overview of how the gut and brain are connected, the role of sleep in health, and how implementing simple practical changes can make a big difference in how you feel.

  • Nourishing & moving your body

  • The gut-brain connection

  • The importance of hydration & sleep

  • Wholefoods & nutritional support

Module Six : Mindfulness practices

We round out the program with practical mindfulness tools and strategies that you can build into your daily and weekly routine; and guidance on establishing a healthy and nurturing environment to develop greater peace and maintain inner core strength.

  • Meditation, contemplation & hypnosis in healing

  • Gratitude, intentions & cultivating higher virtues of love, kindness & compassion

  • Journalling, creativity & finding joy

  • Creating a healing environment


Bonus modules


You hold the key to your own awakening, to healing your mind & opening your heart. KŌTA is here to help guide you, to help light the way towards greater health and happiness.

— Renée Gardiner, Founder & Director of KŌTA


Bonus One : Bodywork & somatic therapy

This bonus module looks at the power of somatic therapy and bodywork in releasing trauma and emotions from your body, which is essential for healing and taking an integrated approach to mental health.

  • Somatic psychotherapy

  • Cellular memory & releasing emotions from the body

  • Bodywork, breathwork & energy healing

  • Sound therapies, music & frequency

Bonus Two : Belonging & connection

This bonus module focuses on social wellbeing, connecting to community and developing healthy and strong interpersonal relationships, to support your overall sense of wellbeing.

  • Self-expression & embracing who you are

  • Personal boundaries & assertiveness

  • Making & maintaining positive relationships

  • Finding your tribe


Bonus Three : Living in harmony with nature

This bonus module dives into the role and power of nature in our health and wellbeing. It explores different therapies and practices to help restore your connection with the natural world, and use nature’s healing properties to regenerate your mind, body and spirit.

  • Nature’s pharmacy: using herbs & plants to support your health

  • Eco & nature-based therapies & immersive experiences

  • Cycles of life, seasons & natural rhythms

  • Appreciating & developing a relationship with the the natural world


Program fee


AUD One-off payment.


Join waitlist.

Our next Holistic Mental Health & Mindfulness course opens for enrolment in early 2024. Sign up to be notified when the course goes live.